@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-%define gpac_postinstall gpac_postinstall_sh=$(mktemp) && \
- rpm -q --scripts self-build-gpac | \
- /bin/sed -e 's|posttrans[[:blank:]].*|\#!/bin/bash|' > ${gpac_postinstall_sh} && \
- /bin/bash ${gpac_postinstall_sh} && /bin/rm -f ${gpac_postinstall_sh}
-%define pkgname ffmpeg
-%define name self-build-%{pkgname}
-%define version 0.5.4
-#% define svndate 20090202
-%define release 2%{?svndate:.%svndate}%{?_dist_release}
-%define sourceurl0 http://ffmpeg.org/releases/%{pkgname}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-Summary: Package to automatically build %{pkgname} rpm package
-Summary(ja): %{pkgname} の rpm パッケージを自動作成するパッケージ
-Name: %{name}
-Version: %{version}
-Release: %{release}
-Source0: %{pkgname}-vl5.spec
-#Source1: %{pkgname}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-#Source1: %{pkgname}-%{version}.r%{svnrev}.tar.bz2
-#Source2: %{pkgname}-snapshot.sh
-Source90: ffmpeg.1.gz
-Source91: ffplay.1.gz
-Source92: ffserver.1.gz
-Source100: %{pkgname}-textrel.patch
-Source110: ffmpeg-0.5-disable-texi2html.patch
-# upstreamed patches:
-Source151: ffmpeg-0.5.4-fix-possibly-exploitable-crash.patch
-Source152: ffmpeg-0.5.4-fix-apparently-exploitable-race-condition.patch
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Restricted Software
-Requires(post): self-build-setup >= 0.8
-#Requires(post): subversion
-# (build)requies of target package.
-Requires(post): bzip2-devel
-Requires(post): zlib-devel
-Requires(post): SDL-devel
-Requires(post): imlib2-devel
-#Requires(post): texi2html
-Requires(post): speex-devel
-Requires(post): libogg-devel
-Requires(post): libvorbis-devel
-#Requires(post): openjpeg-devel
-Requires(post): libtheora-devel
-Requires(post): gsm-devel
-Requires(post): libdc1394-devel
-Requires(post): libraw1394-devel
-%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
-Requires(post): yasm
-Requires(post): self-build-xvidcore
-Requires(post): self-build-faac
-Requires(post): self-build-lame
-Requires(post): self-build-x264
-Requires(post): self-build-libdca
-Requires(post): self-build-a52dec
-Requires(post): self-build-faad2
-%{?_with_amr:Requires(post): amrnb-devel amrwb-devel}
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
-Packager: munepi
-FFMpeg is a complete and free Internet live audio and video
-broadcasting solution for Linux/Unix. It also includes a
-digital VCR. It can encode in real time in many formats
-including MPEG1 audio and video, MPEG4, h263, ac3, asf, avi,
-real, mjpeg, and flash.
-If you install this package, it automaticaly downloads source
-code ,compile it, and create rpm packages of %{pkgname}-%{version}.
-And the created rpm packages are automatically installed
-if installation is executed by apt-get command or synaptic
-package manager.
-This package requires many other packages to compile
-target software. So it consume more disk space than usual.
-Also installation takes longer time because of compilation.
-(This will take a few minutes to quarter or half of an hour,
-depends on building environment)
-[About self-build package]
-For some kind of software, distributing of binary package
-may viorate the patent or law. Therefore we chose self-build
-packge, create binary package on your machine, for such kind
-of softwares instead of distributing binary package.
-Please obey the national law when you use the created binary
-packages. And if you want to use the softwares using patented
-thechnology, it may be required to get a permission, make an
-agreement or purchas a license. Please consider it with your
-purpose or way of use and take appropriate action.
-%description -l ja
-FFMpeg は Linux/Unix に対する完全にフリーなインターネットライ
-またデジタル VCR を含んでいます.MPEG1 オーディオ・ビデオ,
-MPEG4, h263, ac3, asf, avi, real, mjpeg, flash を含む
-の rpm パッケージを作成します。
-また apt-get コマンドや synaptic パッケージマネージャから実行
-した場合は、作成された rpm パッケージのインストールも自動的に
-[self-build パッケージについて]
-せずに、ユーザの環境でバイナリを作成する self-build パッケー
-[ "%{version}-%{release}" != $(rpm -q --queryformat "%%{version}-%%{release}\n" --specfile %{SOURCE0} | tail -1) ] && exit 1
-%{__rm} -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
-%{__install} -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/%{name}
-%{__install} -m 644 %{SOURCE0} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/%{name}
-#%{__install} -p -m 644 %{SOURCE1} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/%{name}
-#%{__install} -m 644 %{SOURCE2} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/%{name}
-%{__install} -m 644 %{SOURCE90} %{SOURCE91} %{SOURCE92} \
- ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/%{name}
-%{__install} -m 644 %{SOURCE100} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/%{name}
-%{__install} -m 644 %{SOURCE110} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/%{name}
-%{__install} -m 644 %{SOURCE151} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/%{name}
-%{__install} -m 644 %{SOURCE152} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_datadir}/%{name}
-%{__rm} -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
-/usr/lib/rpm/self-build-rpm.sh %{name} %{pkgname}-vl5.spec "%{sourceurl0}" 640000
-/usr/lib/rpm/pre-allocate-rpm.sh %{pkgname}-%{version}-%{release} \
- %{pkgname}-libs-%{version}-%{release} \
- %{pkgname}-devel-%{version}-%{release}
-## Rebuild gpac with ffmpeg-devel
-# set locale
-case $LANG in
- ja*)LOCALE=ja ;;
- *) LOCALE=C ;;
- echo -n " "
- echo "Rebuild gpac with ffmpeg-devel"
- echo -n " "
- echo "ffmpeg-devel で gpac をリビルドします。"
-* Sun May 01 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 0.5.4-2
-- applied some upstreamed/security patches:
- - AMV: fix possibly exploitable crash
- - fix apparently exploitable race condition
-* Sat Mar 26 2011 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 0.5.4-1
-- new upstream release
-* Sat Oct 30 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 0.5.3-2
-- collected Source0: tag
-* Sat Oct 30 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 0.5.3-1
-- new upstream release
-* Sat Jul 17 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 0.5.2-2
-- unpacked source archives
-* Thu Jun 03 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 0.5.2-1
-- new upstream release
-* Sun Apr 18 2010 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@vinelinux.org> 0.5.1-1
-- new upstream release
-* Sat Jun 06 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.5-6
-- dropped BuildArch: noarch
-- added ffmpeg.1, ffplay.1, ffserver.1
-* Tue May 26 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.5-5
-- avoided to execute self-build-rpm.sh on RPM transaction
- - moved %%post actions to %%posttrans
-* Wed May 13 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.5-4
-- added BuildArch: noarch
-- added ffmpeg-0.5-disable-texi2html.patch
- - dropped PreReq: texi2html
-* Thu Mar 12 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.5-3
-- added %%{gpac_postinstall} in %%post
-* Wed Mar 11 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.5-2
-- corrected release number
-* Wed Mar 11 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.5-1
-- new upstream release
-- added PreReq:
- - speex-devel
- - bzip2-devel
-* Tue Feb 24 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-20090202.7
-- change release to sync with ffmpeg
-* Sun Feb 08 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-20090202.6
-- changed to PreReq: self-build-faad2 >= 2.0 from faad2-devel
-* Wed Feb 04 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-20090202.5
-- 20090202 snapshot
-* Sun Jan 11 2009 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-20090110.4
-- 20090110 snapshot
-- dropped some patches
-* Sun Dec 14 2008 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-15488.1
-- source updated (r15488)
-- fixed License: GPLv2+
-- added BuildRequires: gsm-devel libdc1394-devel libraw1394-devel
-- added BuildRequires: yasm (only %%ix86)
-- applied ffmpeg-cpu.patch (merged from RPM Fusion)
-* Sun Nov 02 2008 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-11662.3vl4
-- spec in utf8
-* Tue May 20 2008 Kazutaka HARADA <kazutaka@dc4.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-11662.2vl4
-- run pre-allocate-rpm.sh in %%post
-- set PreReq: self-build-setup >= 0.8
-- change release number
-* Wed Apr 16 2008 Atsushi SHICHI <ats777@gmail.com> 0.4.9-11662.1vl4
-- add "Source1: %{pkgname}-%{version}.r%{svnrev}.tar.gz",
- include Source1 in the binary package.
-- drop "Source100: ffmpeg-vine.patch".
-- drop "PreReq: subversion".
-* Mon Apr 7 2008 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-0.20080128.1vl4
-- build with new versioning policy
-- change to use svn export from svn checkout on post install
-- fix ffmpeg-vine.patch for libswscale/swscale.c.rej
-* Thu Mar 13 2008 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-0.20080128vl2
-- For all pre-required package that is provied by self-build,
- changed to its self-build package
-* Sun Mar 9 2008 Munehiro Yamamoto <munepi@cg8.so-net.ne.jp> 0.4.9-0.20080128vl1
-- initial build for Vine Linux 4.2
-- snapshot 2008/01/28 + some Rev.11662 2008/01/29
-### end of file