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auto-install: drop source file

git-svn-id: ec354946-7b23-47d6-9f5a-488ba84defc7
iwaim 14 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 1228 deletions
  1. 0 1228

+ 0 - 1228

@@ -1,1228 +0,0 @@
-;;; auto-install.el --- Auto install elisp file
-;; Filename: auto-install.el
-;; Description: Auto install elisp file
-;; Author: Andy Stewart <>
-;;         rubikitch <>
-;; Maintainer: rubikitch <>
-;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, Andy Stewart, all rights reserved.
-;; Copyright (C) 2009, rubikitch, all rights reserved.
-;; Created: 2008-12-11 13:56:50
-;; Version: $Revision: 1.24 $
-;; Last-Updated: Fri May 22 13:07:04 2009 (-0700)
-;;           By: dradams
-;; URL:
-;; Keywords: auto-install
-;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs 22 ~ 23
-;; Features that might be required by this library:
-;;   `backquote', `bytecomp', `dired', `find-func', `ietf-drums',
-;;   `loadhist', `mail-parse', `mail-prsvr', `mailcap', `mm-util',
-;;   `qp', `rfc2045', `rfc2047', `rfc2231', `thingatpt', `time-date',
-;;   `timezone', `url', `url-cookie', `url-expand', `url-history',
-;;   `url-methods', `url-parse', `url-privacy', `url-proxy',
-;;   `url-util', `url-vars'.
-(defvar auto-install-version "$Id: auto-install.el,v 1.24 2010/01/05 09:40:04 rubikitch Exp $")
-;;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs
-;;; License
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
-;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Automates the installation of Emacs Lisp files and packages.
-;; `auto-install' provides an automated way to:
-;; (1) Download Emacs Lisp files and packages from common sources
-;; (2) View them (diff) and save them to your repository
-;; (3) Compile and Load them
-;;; Commands:
-;; Below are complete command list:
-;;  `auto-install-minor-mode'
-;;    Auto Install minor mode.
-;;  `auto-install-from-buffer'
-;;    Install the elisp file in the current buffer.
-;;  `auto-install-from-url'
-;;    Install an elisp file from a given url.
-;;  `auto-install-from-emacswiki'
-;;    Install an elisp file from
-;;  `auto-install-from-gist'
-;;    Install an elisp file from
-;;  `auto-install-from-library'
-;;    Update an elisp LIBRARY.
-;;  `auto-install-from-directory'
-;;    Update elisp files under DIRECTORY from EmacsWiki.
-;;  `auto-install-from-dired'
-;;    Update dired marked elisp files from
-;;  `auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-name'
-;;    Update the list of elisp package names from `EmacsWiki'.
-;;  `auto-install-dired-mark-files'
-;;    Mark dired files that contain at `'.
-;;  `auto-install-mode'
-;;    Major mode for auto-installing elisp code.
-;;  `auto-install-buffer-quit'
-;;    Quit from `auto-install' temporary buffer.
-;;  `auto-install-compatibility-setup'
-;;    Install Compatibility commands for install-elisp.el users.
-;;  `auto-install-batch'
-;;    Batch install many libraries in some extension.
-;;  `auto-install-buffer-diff'
-;;    View different between old version.
-;;  `auto-install-buffer-save'
-;;    Save downloaded content to file FILENAME.
-;;; Customizable Options:
-;; Below are customizable option list:
-;;  `auto-install-directory'
-;;    The directory for saving elisp files.
-;;    default = "~/.emacs.d/auto-install/"
-;;  `auto-install-buffer-name'
-;;    The temporary buffer for storing download content.
-;;    default = "auto-install"
-;;  `auto-install-emacswiki-base-url'
-;;    The base url from which to download elisp files.
-;;    default = ""
-;;  `auto-install-gist-base-url'
-;;    The base url from which to download elisp files.
-;;    default = ""
-;;  `auto-install-filter-url'
-;;    Alist mapping filter url for library.
-;;    default = (quote (("color-grep" "")))
-;;  `auto-install-save-confirm'
-;;    Whether confirmation is needed to save downloaded content.
-;;    default = t
-;;  `auto-install-replace-confirm'
-;;    Whether confirmation is needed to replace an existing elisp file.
-;;    default = nil
-;;  `auto-install-install-confirm'
-;;    Whether confirmation is needed to install a downloaded elisp file.
-;;    default = nil
-;;  `auto-install-from-dired-confirm'
-;;    Whether confirmation is needed to download marked files from Dired.
-;;    default = t
-;;  `auto-install-batch-list'
-;;    This list contain packages information for batch install.
-;;    default = (quote (("icicles" 21 10 ...) ("auto-complete development version" nil nil ...) ("anything" nil nil ...) ("sdcv" nil nil ...) ("lazy-search" nil nil ...) ...))
-;;; Tips:
-;;      Downloading is asynchronous: you can do your work and download
-;;      files at the same time.  The download process won't hang
-;;      Emacs.
-;;      `auto-install-from-url' remembers previous installations.  So if
-;;      your search is the same as the previous search, you don't need
-;;      to type it in, just hit RETURN.
-;;      `auto-install-from-emacswiki' will complete then names of
-;;      packages from those in the Elisp area in `EmacsWiki'.
-;;      `auto-install-from-library' will prompt you library name in
-;;      you load-path, then it try to download from EmacsWiki if it
-;;      can't find match in `auto-install-filter-url'.
-;;      `auto-install-from-directory' can install elisp file
-;;      under specify directory.
-;;      `auto-install-from-dired' can install marked files using dired.
-;;      You can mark the files you want in dired and then use
-;;      `auto-install-from-dired' to download those files
-;;      asynchronously.
-;;      `auto-install-from-buffer' can save and install the contents of
-;;      the current buffer as a file.  You need a valid elisp file name.
-;;      The default name is the buffer name.
-;;      `auto-install-from-emacswiki' and `auto-install-from-library'
-;;      will try to pick up file around point, you can move
-;;      cursor to file name, and just hit RET for install.
-;;      Some extension (such as icicles) have many libraries to need install,
-;;      and install one by one is painful, you can use command
-;;      `auto-install-batch' install all icicles libraries.
-;;      And `auto-install-batch' handle max connect limit with some website
-;;      (such as EmacsWiki) to avoid download failed.
-;;      All of the above functions support a filename filter.  You can
-;;      input any url to download an elisp file, if the file name suffix is
-;;      `.el', it will download and install the file automatically.
-;;      Otherwise, it won't install it unless you input a valid elisp
-;;      file name.
-;;      By default, if a file that you download does not exist on your
-;;      system the file is downloaded to `auto-install-directory'.  If
-;;      you already have a file with the same name in your load
-;;      directory, `auto-install' will try to replace that file.
-;;      You can use command `auto-install-dired-mark-files' to mark files
-;;      that contain at `' for fast update.
-;;      By default, command `auto-install-from-emacswiki' will initialization
-;;      current symbol as default value, if default value is you want,
-;;      just hit RET, so lazy!
-;;; Installation:
-;; (1) Put auto-install.el somewhere in your load-path.
-;;     For example, put it into  ~/elisp/.
-;;     Then add the following to your ~/.emacs:
-;;       (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/elisp"))
-;; (2) And put the following in your ~/.emacs startup file:
-;;       (require 'auto-install)
-;; (3) Add this to your ~/.emacs to optionally specify a download directory:
-;;       (setq auto-install-directory "~/.emacs.d/auto-install/")
-;;     If you don't set this, "~/.emacs.d/auto-install/" will be used as the default,
-;;     and will be created as needed.
-;; (4) Optionally, if your computer is always connected Internet when Emacs start up,
-;;     I recommend you add below to your ~/.emacs, to update package name when start up:
-;;       (auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-name t)
-;;     And above setup is not necessary, because AutoInstall will automatically update
-;;     package name when you just first call `auto-install-from-emacswiki',
-;;     above setup just avoid *delay* when you first call `auto-install-from-emacswiki'.
-;; (5) I recommend you add below to your ~/.emacs for install-elisp users:
-;;       (auto-install-compatibility-setup)
-;;     This command `defalias'es `install-elisp',
-;;     `install-elisp-from-emacswiki' and `install-elisp-from-gist' to
-;;     `auto-install' ones.
-;; (6) If you want to use proxy server, set `url-proxy-services'. For example:
-;;       (setq url-proxy-services '(("http" . "localhost:8339")))
-;;; Customize:
-;; `auto-install-directory'
-;; The default directory for keeping auto-downloaded elisp files.
-;; `auto-install-buffer-name'
-;; The base buffer name for temporarily storing downloaded download content.
-;; `auto-install-emacswiki-base-url'
-;; The base url for downloading from
-;; `auto-install-gist-base-url'
-;; The base url for downloading from
-;; `auto-install-filter-url'
-;; Filter url for downloading a special library.
-;; `auto-install-save-confirm'
-;; Whether to require confirmation when saving downloaded content.
-;; `auto-install-replace-confirm'
-;; Whether to require confirmation when replacing an already-installed
-;; file.
-;; `auto-install-install-confirm'
-;; Whether to require confirmation when installing a file.
-;; `auto-install-from-dired-confirm'
-;; Whether to require confirmation when downloading files marked in dired.
-;; `auto-install-batch-list'
-;; This list contain packages information for batch install.
-;; Anyone can add packages information in this list for batch install.
-;; And all above option can customize easy through:
-;;      M-x RET customize-group RET auto-install RET
-;;; Change log:
-;; $Log: auto-install.el,v $
-;; Revision 1.24  2010/01/05 09:40:04  rubikitch
-;; fixed error of auto-complete development version in `auto-install-batch-list'
-;; Revision 1.23  2009/12/29 09:31:23  rubikitch
-;; add Text Translator to auto-install-batch-list
-;; Revision 1.22  2009/12/21 12:51:56  rubikitch
-;; Update auto-install-batch anything
-;; Revision 1.21  2009/12/21 12:26:54  rubikitch
-;; New URL for auto-complete development version
-;; Revision 1.20  2009/05/22 20:17:24  rubikitch
-;; Merged from dradams' change
-;; Revision 1.19  2009/05/22 13:04:56  dadams
-;; Split icicles-cmd.el into icicles-cmd[12].el.
-;; Revision 1.18  2009/05/20 15:42:54  rubikitch
-;; Add php-completion / perl-completion to auto-install-batch-list
-;; Revision 1.17  2009/05/20 01:19:15  rubikitch
-;; Add document for proxy server
-;; Revision 1.16  2009/05/15 20:28:18  rubikitch
-;; More readable temporary buffer name.
-;; Revision 1.15  2009/05/15 20:12:49  rubikitch
-;; Added missing require
-;; Revision 1.14  2009/05/15 20:11:44  rubikitch
-;; How to save
-;; Revision 1.13  2009/05/15 20:09:07  rubikitch
-;; Code cleanup
-;; Revision 1.12  2009/05/15 19:59:30  rubikitch
-;; Fixed a bug of single file installation
-;; Revision 1.11  2009/05/15 19:44:32  rubikitch
-;; Ordering `auto-install-batch'
-;; Revision 1.10  2009/05/15 17:48:09  rubikitch
-;; Replace `message' with `error' for error messages.
-;; Revision 1.9  2009/05/15 17:40:37  rubikitch
-;; refactoring
-;; Revision 1.8  2009/05/15 17:19:47  rubikitch
-;; refactoring
-;; Revision 1.7  2009/05/15 17:17:03  rubikitch
-;; Use `view-mode' if `view-read-only'.
-;; Revision 1.6  2009/05/15 17:10:22  rubikitch
-;; Adjust docstrings of commands to auto-document.
-;; Delete `It provides the following commands:' section because of duplication.
-;; Revision 1.5  2009/05/15 17:03:13  rubikitch
-;; Show downloaded URL in header-line.
-;; Revision 1.4  2009/05/15 16:59:32  rubikitch
-;; New internal variable: `auto-install-add-load-path-flag'
-;; Revision 1.3  2009/05/09 02:41:32  rubikitch
-;; Add `auto-install-directory' automatically.
-;; Revision 1.2  2009/05/09 02:37:14  rubikitch
-;; Changed `auto-install-get-buffer' format (including URL)
-;; Revision 1.1  2009/05/09 02:33:09  rubikitch
-;; Initial revision
-;; 2009/05/01
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Take over by rubikitch.
-;; 2009/04/15
-;;  * rubikitch:
-;;      * Encoding detection support.
-;; 2009/04/07
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Fix bug of `auto-install-batch'.
-;;      * Add more sources to `auto-install-batch-list'.
-;; 2009/03/30
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Add new command: `auto-install-batch'.
-;;      * Add new option: `auto-install-batch-list'.
-;; 2009/03/29
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Add new function: `auto-install-from-url-list'.
-;; 2009/03/11
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Fix bug of `auto-install-download'.
-;; 2009/03/03
-;;  * rubikitch
-;;      * Add new command `auto-install-compatibility-setup'
-;;        for install-elisp users.
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * `auto-install-region-or-thing' return region string
-;;        just when `transient-mark-mode' is on.
-;;      * Fix doc.
-;; 2009/02/17
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Modified keybindings, make it more easy to remember.
-;;      * Make `auto-install-save-confirm' default with `t'
-;;        for security problem.
-;;      * Pick up current symbol when use `auto-install-from-library'.
-;;      * Remove unnecessary completion name from `auto-install-from-library'.
-;;      * Refactory code.
-;;      * Fix doc.
-;; 2009/02/12
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Remove option `auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-name-when-startup'.
-;;      * Make current symbol as initialization of `auto-install-from-emacswiki'.
-;;      * Add option `unforced' to function `auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-name'.
-;;      * Fix doc.
-;;      * Fix bug of `auto-install-from-library'.
-;; 2009/02/10
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Automatically download package name list when
-;;        variable `auto-install-package-name-list' is nil.
-;;      * Reverse `auto-install-package-name-list' for `anything' interface.
-;;      * New command `auto-install-dired-mark-files',
-;;        mark files that contain at `'.
-;;      * New command `auto-install-buffer-diff',
-;;        view different between current version and old version.
-;; 2009/02/06
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Add new command `auto-install-from-directory'.
-;;      * Remove option `auto-install-create-directory', not necessary.
-;;      * Documentation improvements (thanks Scot Becker)
-;; 2009/02/01
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Make command `auto-install-from-emacswiki' can
-;;        completing package name for input.
-;;      * Add new command `auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-name'.
-;;      * Add new option `auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-name-when-startup'
-;; 2009/01/30
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Compatibility with GNU Emacs 22.
-;; 2009/01/26
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Add new command `auto-install-from-gist'.
-;; 2009/01/21
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Add emacs-lisp syntax highlight for download buffer.
-;;      * Make notify message display at mode-line instead echo-area.
-;; 2009/01/10
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Add new option `auto-install-filter-url' and new function
-;;        `auto-install-from-library', try to use it. ;)
-;; 2009/01/08
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Fix coding bug.
-;; 2009/01/07
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Move `w3m' code to file `auto-install-extension.el' to make all
-;;        user can use this package with standard emacs.
-;; 2009/01/06
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Clean code.
-;; 2009/01/02
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Add new option `auto-install-create-directory' for create install directory
-;;        automatically if it doesn't exist.
-;;      * Improve many document make it more clear.
-;;      * Thanks document improve and create directory advice of 'Drew Adams'!
-;; 2008/12/24
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Remove `auto-install-window-configuration-before-download', `auto-install-init-window-layout'
-;;        and `auto-install-revert-window-layout'.
-;;        It's not necessary to revert window layout, `winner-mode' can revert window layout more better,
-;;        just type `winner-undo'.
-;; 2008/12/15
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Fix a little bug of `auto-install-window-configuration-before-download'.
-;; 2008/12/11
-;;  * Andy Stewart:
-;;      * Add new function `auto-install-from-buffer', to install elisp file from current buffer.
-;;        Modified `auto-install-buffer-save' to use `auto-install-from-buffer'.
-;;      * First released.
-;;; Acknowledgements:
-;;      rubikitch       <>
-;;              For install-elisp.el
-;;      Drew Adams      <>
-;;      Scot Becker     <>
-;;      Richard Riley   <>
-;;              For documentation improvements and advices.
-;;; TODO
-;;      Fix the problem parallel install process with recursive prompt.
-;;      Redesign and give more friendly user interface.
-;;      Scan RSS track package update and notify.
-;;; Require
-(require 'url)
-(require 'dired)
-(require 'find-func)
-(require 'bytecomp)
-(require 'thingatpt)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(when (<= emacs-major-version 22)       ;Compatibility with 22.
-  (autoload 'ignore-errors "cl-macs"))
-;;; Code:
-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Customize ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(defgroup auto-install nil
-  "Auto install elisp files."
-  :group 'external)
-(defcustom auto-install-directory "~/.emacs.d/auto-install/"
-  "The directory for saving elisp files.
-This directory is used when a downloaded
-elisp file does not already exist in other directory.
-Otherwise, the existing file of the same name is replaced."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'auto-install)
-(defcustom auto-install-buffer-name "auto-install"
-  "The temporary buffer for storing download content."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'auto-install)
-(defcustom auto-install-emacswiki-base-url ""
-  "The base url from which to download elisp files."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'auto-install)
-(defcustom auto-install-gist-base-url ""
-  "The base url from which to download elisp files."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'auto-install)
-(defcustom auto-install-filter-url
-  '(("color-grep" ""))
-  "Alist mapping filter url for library.
-Default command `auto-install-from-library' will install from EmacsWiki,
-if it can't find match in this alist."
-  :type '(repeat (list (string :tag "Library")
-                       (string :tag "Download URL")))
-  :group 'auto-install)
-(defcustom auto-install-save-confirm t
-  "Whether confirmation is needed to save downloaded content.
-Nil means no confirmation is needed.
-If non-nil, the downloaded content is shown in a buffer and you are
-prompted to confirm saving it to a file."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'auto-install)
-(defcustom auto-install-replace-confirm nil
-  "Whether confirmation is needed to replace an existing elisp file.
-Nil means no confirmation is needed."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'auto-install)
-(defcustom auto-install-install-confirm nil
-  "Whether confirmation is needed to install a downloaded elisp file.
-Nil means no confirmation is needed."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'auto-install)
-(defcustom auto-install-from-dired-confirm t
-  "Whether confirmation is needed to download marked files from Dired.
-Nil means no confirmation is needed."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'auto-install)
-(defcustom auto-install-batch-list
-  '(
-    ;; Icicles.
-    ("icicles" 21 10
-     (
-      ""      ; Main library
-      ""  ; Change logs
-      "" ; Top-level Icicles commands, part 1
-      "" ; Top-level Icicles commands, part 2
-      "" ; Doc, part 1
-      "" ; Doc, part 2
-      "" ; Faces
-      ""   ; Non-interactive functions
-      ""  ; Macros
-      "" ; Minibuffer commands
-      "" ; Icicle (Icy) mode
-      ""  ; User options
-      ""  ; Internal variables
-      ""      ; Menu-bar access from keyboard
-      ""   ; Enhancements to `icomplete.el'
-      ""       ; Color manipulation
-      ""     ; Look up synonyms
-      ))
-    ;; AutoComplete development version.
-    ("auto-complete development version" nil nil
-     (
-      ""
-      ""
-      ""
-      ))
-    ;; Anything
-    ("anything" nil nil
-     (
-      ""        ; Main library
-      "" ; Configuration for anything.el
-      "" ; Matching algorithm humanely
-      "" ; Migemo extension for Japanese
-      "" ; Completion
-      "" ; Show completion prettily
-      "" ; auto-install extension
-      "" ; describe-key replacement
-      "" ; Grep with anything
-      "" ; Startup file
-      ))
-    ;; SDCV (Interface for StartDict console version)
-    ("sdcv" nil nil
-     (
-      "" ; Basic tooltip show library
-      ""    ; sdcv.el
-      ))
-    ;; Lazy search
-    ("lazy-search" nil nil
-     (
-      ""     ; Basic library for lazy-search.el
-      "" ; Main library
-      ))
-    ;; PHP completion
-    ("php-completion" nil nil
-     (
-      ""
-      ""
-      ""
-      ""
-      ))
-    ;; Perl completion
-    ("perl-completion" nil nil
-     (
-      ""
-      ""
-      ""
-      ""
-      ))
-    ;; Text Translator
-    ("text translator" nil nil
-     (
-      ""
-      ""
-      ""
-      ))
-    )
-  "This list contain packages information for batch install.
-Have four arguments per list:
-First argument is extension name.
-Second argument is delay time for batch install.
-Third argument is libraries number limit in delay time.
-Fourth argument is libraries url list.
-Anyone can add information in this list for batch install."
-  :group 'auto-install)
-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Variable ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(defvar auto-install-download-buffer nil
-  "The download buffer used by `url-retrieve'.
-This variable is always buffer-local.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'auto-install-download-buffer)
-(defvar auto-install-download-url nil
-  "The url from which to download files.
-This variable is always buffer-local.")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'auto-install-download-url)
-(defvar auto-install-last-url nil
-  "The last url used in `auto-install-from-url'.")
-(defvar auto-install-last-gist-id nil
-  "The last gist id you visit in `auto-install-from-gist'.")
-(defvar auto-install-package-name-list nil
-  "The package name list for completion input.")
-(defvar auto-install-minor-mode-map
-  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-d") 'auto-install-buffer-diff) ;diff
-    (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'auto-install-buffer-save) ;save
-    (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-q") 'auto-install-buffer-quit) ;quit
-    map)
-  "Keymap used by variable `auto-install-minor-mode'.")
-(defvar auto-install-add-load-path-flag t
-  "If non-nil, add `auto-install-directory' to `load-path'.
-This variable is intended to be used in test.")
-(defvar auto-install-waiting-url-list nil
-  "URLs in downloading.")
-(defvar auto-install-url-queue nil
-  "Installation order.")
-(defvar auto-install-download-buffer-alist nil
-  "Pairs of URL and downloaded buffer.")
-(define-minor-mode auto-install-minor-mode
-  "Auto Install minor mode."
-  :init-value nil
-  :lighter " Auto-Install"
-  :keymap auto-install-minor-mode-map
-  :group 'auto-install)
-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Interactive Functions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(defun auto-install-from-buffer ()
-  "Install the elisp file in the current buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (let (filename)
-    (setq filename (read-string (format "Filename (%s): " (buffer-name)) nil nil (buffer-name)))
-    (auto-install-mode)
-    (auto-install-buffer-save filename)))
-(defun auto-install-from-url (&optional url)
-  "Install an elisp file from a given url."
-  (interactive)
-  (or url (setq url (read-string (format "URL (%s): " (or auto-install-last-url "")) nil nil auto-install-last-url)))
-  (setq auto-install-last-url url)
-  (auto-install-download url))
-(defun auto-install-from-emacswiki (&optional file)
-  "Install an elisp file from"
-  (interactive)
-  (cond (auto-install-package-name-list
-         ;; Install package if `auto-install-package-name-list' is non-nil.
-         (or file (setq file (auto-install-get-candidate "Package" auto-install-package-name-list)))
-         (auto-install-download (concat auto-install-emacswiki-base-url file)))
-        (t
-         ;; Otherwise update package name and install.
-         (auto-install-download ";raw=1"
-                                'auto-install-handle-emacswiki-package-install))))
-(defun auto-install-from-gist (&optional gistid)
-  "Install an elisp file from
-Optional argument GISTID is gist ID for download elisp file from"
-  (interactive)
-  (or gistid (setq gistid (read-string (format "Gist ID (%s): " (or auto-install-last-gist-id ""))
-                                       nil nil
-                                       auto-install-last-gist-id)))
-  (setq auto-install-last-gist-id gistid)
-  (auto-install-download (format "%s%s.txt" auto-install-gist-base-url gistid)))
-(defun auto-install-from-library (&optional library)
-  "Update an elisp LIBRARY.
-Default this function will found 'download url' from `auto-install-filter-url',
-if not found, try to download from EmacsWiki."
-  (interactive
-   (let* ((dirs load-path)
-          (suffixes (find-library-suffixes)))
-     (list (auto-install-get-candidate "Library name" (auto-install-get-library-list)))))
-  (let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory (find-library-name library)))
-        (base-url auto-install-emacswiki-base-url)
-        (library-name (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(\\.el.*$\\)" "" library)))
-    (if (assoc library-name auto-install-filter-url)
-        (setq base-url (cadr (assoc library-name auto-install-filter-url))))
-    (auto-install-download (concat base-url filename))))
-(defun auto-install-from-directory (directory)
-  "Update elisp files under DIRECTORY from EmacsWiki.
-You can use this command to update elisp file under DIRECTORY."
-  (interactive "DDirectory: ")
-  (let (filename)
-    (dolist (file (directory-files directory t))
-      (if (file-directory-p file)
-          ;; Don't match . or .. directory.
-          (unless (string-match "^\\.\\.?$" (file-name-nondirectory file))
-            ;; Find files in sub-directory.
-            (auto-install-from-directory file))
-        ;; Get file name.
-        (setq filename (file-name-nondirectory file))
-        ;; Not backup file.
-        (unless (string-match "^\\.?#" filename)
-          ;; Match elisp file.
-          (if (string-match "^.*\\.el" filename)
-              (auto-install-download (concat auto-install-emacswiki-base-url filename))))))))
-(defun auto-install-from-dired ()
-  "Update dired marked elisp files from
-You can use this to download marked files in Dired asynchronously."
-  (interactive)
-  (if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
-      (if (or (not auto-install-from-dired-confirm)
-              (yes-or-no-p "Do you want install marked files from"))
-          (dolist (file (dired-get-marked-files))
-            (auto-install-download (concat auto-install-emacswiki-base-url (file-name-nondirectory file)))))
-    (error "This command is only for `dired-mode'.")))
-(defun auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-name (&optional unforced)
-  "Update the list of elisp package names from `EmacsWiki'.
-By default, this function will update package name forcibly.
-If UNFORCED is non-nil, just update package name when `auto-install-package-name-list' is nil."
-  (interactive)
-  (unless (and unforced
-               auto-install-package-name-list)
-    (auto-install-download ";raw=1"
-                           'auto-install-handle-emacswiki-package-name)))
-(defun auto-install-dired-mark-files ()
-  "Mark dired files that contain at `'."
-  (interactive)
-  (if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
-      (if auto-install-package-name-list
-          ;; Mark files that exist at `EmacsWiki'.
-          (auto-install-dired-mark-files-internal)
-        ;; Or get package name list and match files.
-        (auto-install-download ";raw=1"
-                               'auto-install-handle-dired-mark-files))
-    (error "This command just use in `dired-mode'.")))
-(defun auto-install-mode ()
-  "Major mode for auto-installing elisp code."
-  (interactive)
-  ;; Load emacs-lisp syntax highlight.
-  (set-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table)
-  (lisp-mode-variables)
-  (setq font-lock-mode t)
-  (font-lock-fontify-buffer)
-  ;; Read only.
-  (setq buffer-read-only t)
-  (and view-read-only (view-mode 1))
-  ;; Load `auto-install' mode.
-  (auto-install-minor-mode t)
-  (setq major-mode 'auto-install-minor-mode))
-(defun auto-install-buffer-quit ()
-  "Quit from `auto-install' temporary buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  ;; Quit buffer.
-  (if (eq major-mode 'auto-install-minor-mode)
-      (auto-install-quit)
-    (error "This command just use in `auto-install-minor-mode'.")))
-(defun auto-install-compatibility-setup ()
-  "Install Compatibility commands for install-elisp.el users."
-  (interactive)
-  (defalias 'install-elisp 'auto-install-from-url)
-  (if (require 'anything-auto-install nil t)
-      (defalias 'install-elisp-from-emacswiki 'anything-auto-install-from-emacswiki)
-    (defalias 'install-elisp-from-emacswiki 'auto-install-from-emacswiki))
-  (defalias 'install-elisp-from-gist 'auto-install-from-gist)
-  (message "Install-elisp compatibility installed.
-install-elisp                = %s
-install-elisp-from-emacswiki = %s
-install-elisp-from-gist      = %s"
-           (symbol-function 'install-elisp)
-           (symbol-function 'install-elisp-from-emacswiki)
-           (symbol-function 'install-elisp-from-gist)))
-(defun auto-install-batch (&optional extension-name)
-  "Batch install many libraries in some extension.
-EXTENSION-NAME is extension name for batch install."
-  (interactive)
-  (let (extension-info-list)
-    ;; Get extension information list.
-    (setq extension-info-list
-          (assoc (or
-                  ;; Get information list from give extension name.
-                  extension-name
-                  ;; Otherwise completion from user select.
-                  (completing-read "Extension name: " (mapcar 'car auto-install-batch-list)))
-                 auto-install-batch-list))
-    (if extension-info-list
-        ;; Install extension libraries.
-        (let ((extension-delay-time (nth 1 extension-info-list))
-              (extension-limit-number (nth 2 extension-info-list))
-              (extension-library-list (car (last extension-info-list))))
-          (setq auto-install-waiting-url-list extension-library-list
-                auto-install-url-queue extension-library-list)
-          (if (not (and
-                    ;; Delay time is above 0.
-                    extension-delay-time
-                    (> extension-delay-time 0)
-                    ;; Limit number is above 0.
-                    extension-limit-number
-                    (> extension-limit-number 0)))
-              (auto-install-from-url-list extension-library-list)
-            (let ((delay-counter 0)
-                    install-list)
-                (while extension-library-list
-                  (if (> (length extension-library-list) extension-limit-number)
-                      ;; Install apart libraries list under `extension-limit-number'
-                      (progn
-                        (setq install-list (nthcar extension-limit-number extension-library-list))
-                        (run-with-timer
-                         (* delay-counter extension-delay-time)
-                         nil
-                         'auto-install-from-url-list install-list)
-                        (setq extension-library-list (nthcdr+ extension-limit-number extension-library-list))
-                        (incf delay-counter))
-                    ;; Install remain libraries list.
-                    (setq install-list extension-library-list)
-                    (run-with-timer
-                     (* delay-counter extension-delay-time)
-                     nil
-                     'auto-install-from-url-list install-list)
-                    (setq extension-library-list nil))))))
-      ;; Notify message when haven't install information
-      ;; for libraries that user given.
-      (message "Haven't install information for `%s'." extension-name))))
-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Utilities Functions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(defun auto-install-download (url &optional handle-function)
-  "Download elisp file from URL.
-HANDLE-FUNCTION for handle download content,
-default is `auto-install-handle-download-content'."
-  ;; Check and create install directory.
-  (unless (file-exists-p auto-install-directory)
-    (make-directory auto-install-directory)
-    (when auto-install-add-load-path-flag
-      (add-to-list 'load-path auto-install-directory)) 
-    (message "Create directory %s for install elisp file." auto-install-directory))
-  ;; Download.
-  (let* ((url-request-method "GET")
-         (url-request-extra-headers nil)
-         (url-mime-accept-string "*/*")
-         (parsed-url (url-generic-parse-url url))
-         (download-buffer (auto-install-get-buffer url))
-         (download-buffer-name (buffer-name download-buffer)))
-    (with-current-buffer download-buffer
-      ;; Bind download url with local buffer.
-      (setq auto-install-download-url url)
-      ;; Bind download buffer with local buffer.
-      ;;
-      ;; Use buffer-local variable receive
-      ;; data from `url-retrieve' to make asynchronously
-      ;; download file with special buffer.
-      ;;
-      ;; Because the buffer name is unique that generate
-      ;; through `current-time', so can download many elisp file
-      ;; asynchronously and won't conflict each other.
-      (setq auto-install-download-buffer
-            (url-retrieve parsed-url
-                          'auto-install-download-callback
-                          (list download-buffer-name handle-function))))))
-(defun auto-install-download-callback (&optional redirect download-buffer-name handle-function)
-  "The callback for `auto-install-download'.
-With `auto-install-download', this downloads elisp files asynchronously.
-REDIRECT is the argument for check download status.
-DOWNLOAD-BUFFER-NAME is the name of download buffer.
-HANDLE-FUNCTION is function for handle download content."
-  (if (eq (car redirect) ':error)
-      ;; Notify user and kill buffer when occur error.
-      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer download-buffer-name)
-        (message "Download from '%s' failed." auto-install-download-url)
-        (kill-buffer download-buffer-name))
-    ;; Otherwise continue install process.
-    (auto-install-retrieve-decode download-buffer-name) ;decode retrieve information.
-    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer download-buffer-name)
-      ;; Show successful message
-      (message "Download from '%s' successful." auto-install-download-url)
-      ;; Handle download content.
-      (funcall (or handle-function 'auto-install-handle-download-content)
-               (current-buffer)))))
-(defun auto-install-retrieve-decode (retrieve-buffer-name)
-  "Decode the RETRIEVE-BUFFER-NAME with coding detection."
-  (declare (special url-http-end-of-headers))
-  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer retrieve-buffer-name)
-    (insert
-     (with-current-buffer auto-install-download-buffer
-       (set-buffer-multibyte t)
-       (goto-char (1+ url-http-end-of-headers))
-       (decode-coding-region
-        (point) (point-max)
-        (coding-system-change-eol-conversion
-         ;; rubikitch: encoding detection is better because of
-         ;; non-utf8 Japanese encodings.
-         (detect-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) t) 'dos))
-       (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))
-    (goto-char (point-min))))
-(defun auto-install-handle-download-content (download-buffer)
-  "Handle the content downloaded to buffer DOWNLOAD-BUFFER."
-  (with-current-buffer download-buffer
-    ;; Load mode.
-    (auto-install-mode)
-    ;; Display help information in mode-line.
-    (setq mode-line-format (list "Type C-c C-c to continue; Type C-c C-d for view diff; Type C-c C-q to quit."))
-    (setq header-line-format (list auto-install-download-url))
-    (setq auto-install-download-buffer-alist
-          (cons (cons auto-install-download-url download-buffer)
-                auto-install-download-buffer-alist))
-    (setq auto-install-waiting-url-list
-          (remove auto-install-download-url auto-install-waiting-url-list))
-    ;; When all files are downloaded
-    (unless auto-install-waiting-url-list
-      ;; Select first file
-      (switch-to-buffer (or (assoc-default (car auto-install-url-queue)
-                                           auto-install-download-buffer-alist)
-                            ;; if single file
-                            download-buffer))
-      (unless auto-install-save-confirm
-        (auto-install-buffer-save)))))
-(defun auto-install-handle-emacswiki-package-name (download-buffer &optional prompt-install)
-  "Handle elisp package name from `EmacsWiki'.
-DOWNLOAD-BUFFER is the name of download buffer.
-PROMPT-INSTALL is non-nil, will prompt package name for install."
-  ;; Update package name list.
-  (auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-list download-buffer)
-  ;; Prompt package name for install.
-  (when prompt-install
-    (auto-install-download
-     (concat auto-install-emacswiki-base-url
-             (auto-install-get-candidate "Package" auto-install-package-name-list)))))
-(defun auto-install-handle-dired-mark-files (download-buffer)
-  "Handle dired mark files that exist at `EmacsWiki'.
-DOWNLOAD-BUFFER is the name of download buffer."
-  ;; Update package name list.
-  (auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-list download-buffer)
-  ;; Mark dired files.
-  (auto-install-dired-mark-files-internal))
-(defun auto-install-handle-emacswiki-package-install (download-buffer)
-  "Handle elisp package install from `EmacsWiki'.
-DOWNLOAD-BUFFER is the name of download buffer."
-  (auto-install-handle-emacswiki-package-name download-buffer t))
-(defun auto-install-update-emacswiki-package-list (download-buffer)
-  "Filter and update package name list from `EmacsWiki'.
-DOWNLOAD-BUFFER is the name of download buffer."
-  (goto-char (point-min))
-  (setq auto-install-package-name-list
-        (loop while (re-search-forward "^.*\\.el$" nil t)
-              collect (match-string 0)))
-  ;; Kill buffer.
-  (kill-buffer download-buffer)
-  ;; Display successful message.
-  (message "Update package name from `EmacsWiki' successful."))
-(defun auto-install-buffer-diff ()
-  "View different between old version.
-This command just run when have exist old version."
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((new-file (url-file-nondirectory auto-install-download-url))
-         (old-file (auto-install-get-path new-file)))
-    (if old-file
-        ;; View different when have old version exist.
-        (ediff-buffers (current-buffer) (find-file-noselect old-file))
-      ;; Otherwise notify user.
-      (message "Haven't old version exist."))))
-(defun auto-install-buffer-save (&optional filename)
-  "Save downloaded content to file FILENAME."
-  (interactive)
-  (if (eq major-mode 'auto-install-minor-mode)
-      (let (file-path)
-        ;; Get filename
-        (unless filename
-          (setq filename (url-file-nondirectory auto-install-download-url)))
-        ;; Make sure file suffix with `.el'.
-        (while (not (string-match ".*\.el$" filename))
-          (setq filename (read-string "Please input file name suffix with `.el': ")))
-        ;; Get file path.
-        (setq file-path
-              (or
-               ;; Replace file if have exist.
-               (auto-install-get-path filename)
-               ;; Otherwise, install in directory `auto-install-directory'.
-               (concat auto-install-directory filename)))
-        ;; Save file.
-        (if (and (file-exists-p file-path)
-                 auto-install-replace-confirm
-                 (not (yes-or-no-p (format "Do you want replace file: '%s' ?" file-path))))
-            (auto-install-quit)
-          (write-file file-path)
-          (auto-install-install file-path)))
-    (error "This command just use in `auto-install-minor-mode'.")))
-(defun auto-install-install (file-path)
-  "Install elisp file FILE-PATH."
-  (if (and auto-install-install-confirm
-           (not (yes-or-no-p (format "Do you want install file: '%s' ?" file-path))))
-      (auto-install-quit)
-    (let (byte-compile-warnings) ;; suppress compile warnings
-      ;; Compile and load file.
-      (setq auto-install-url-queue (cdr auto-install-url-queue))
-      (unless (ignore-errors (byte-compile-file file-path t))
-        ;; Show `ERROR' message if compile failed.
-        (message (format "Auto-Install ERROR: Compiled file '%s' failed." file-path)))
-      ;; Install next file.
-      (cond ((car auto-install-url-queue)
-             (switch-to-buffer (assoc-default (car auto-install-url-queue)
-                                              auto-install-download-buffer-alist))
-             (unless auto-install-save-confirm
-               (auto-install-buffer-save)))
-            (t                          ;completed
-             ;; cleanup
-             (setq auto-install-url-queue nil)
-             (setq auto-install-download-buffer-alist nil)
-             (message "Installation is completed."))))))
-(defun auto-install-quit ()
-  "Quit auto-install."
-  ;; Kill buffer
-  (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
-  ;; Show quit message.
-  (message "Quit auto-install process."))
-(defun auto-install-get-path (library)
-  "Return the absolute file path of the Lisp source of LIBRARY."
-  ;; If the library is byte-compiled, try to find a source library by
-  ;; the same name.
-  (if (string-match "\\.el\\(c\\(\\..*\\)?\\)\\'" library)
-      (setq library (replace-match "" t t library)))
-  (or
-   (locate-file library
-                (or find-function-source-path load-path)
-                (find-library-suffixes))
-   (locate-file library
-                (or find-function-source-path load-path)
-                load-file-rep-suffixes)))
-(defun auto-install-get-buffer (url)
-  "Get a buffer for temporary storage of downloaded content.
-Uses `current-time' to make buffer name unique."
-  (get-buffer-create (format "*%s %s <%s>*"
-                             auto-install-buffer-name url
-                             (format-time-string "%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))))
-(defun auto-install-dired-mark-files-internal ()
-  "Mark files that match `auto-install-package-name-list'."
-  ;; Set buffer visible in select window.
-  (set-buffer (window-buffer))
-  ;; Get mark files.
-  (save-excursion
-    (let (filename)
-      ;; Unmark all markes.
-      (dired-unmark-all-marks)
-      ;; Try to mark files.
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (while (not (eobp))
-        (setq filename (dired-get-filename nil t))
-        (if (and filename
-                 (not (file-directory-p filename))
-                 (member (file-name-nondirectory filename) auto-install-package-name-list))
-            (dired-mark 1))
-        (dired-next-line 1)))))
-(defun auto-install-region-or-thing (&optional thing)
-  "Return region or thing around point.
-If `mark-active' and variable `transient-mark-mode', return region.
-If THING is non-nil, return THING around point;
-otherwise return symbol around point."
-  ;; Return string.
-  (if (and mark-active
-           transient-mark-mode)
-      ;; Return region string just when
-      ;; `mark-active' and `transient-mark-mode' is on.
-      (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning)
-                                      (region-end))
-    ;; Otherwise try to pick-up THING around point.
-    (setq thing (or thing 'symbol))
-    (ignore-errors
-      (save-excursion
-        (buffer-substring-no-properties (beginning-of-thing thing)
-                                        (end-of-thing thing))))))
-(defun auto-install-get-library-list (&optional dirs string)
-  "Do completion for file names passed to `locate-file'.
-DIRS is directory to search path.
-STRING is string to match."
-  ;; Use `load-path' as path when ignore `dirs'.
-  (or dirs (setq dirs load-path))
-  ;; Init with blank when ignore `string'.
-  (or string (setq string ""))
-  ;; Get library list.
-  (let ((string-dir (file-name-directory string))
-        name
-        names)
-    (dolist (dir dirs)
-      (unless dir
-        (setq dir default-directory))
-      (if string-dir
-          (setq dir (expand-file-name string-dir dir)))
-      (when (file-directory-p dir)
-        (dolist (file (file-name-all-completions
-                       (file-name-nondirectory string) dir))
-          ;; Suffixes match `load-file-rep-suffixes'.
-          (setq name (if string-dir (concat string-dir file) file))
-          (if (string-match (format "^.*\\.el%s$" (regexp-opt load-file-rep-suffixes)) name)
-              (add-to-list 'names name)))))
-    names))
-(defun auto-install-get-candidate (prompt collection)
-  "Get candidate from completing list.
-PROMPT is string for prompt.
-COLLECTION is list for completing candidates."
-  (completing-read (format "%s (%s): " prompt (or (auto-install-region-or-thing) ""))
-                   collection
-                   nil nil nil nil
-                   (auto-install-region-or-thing)))
-(defun auto-install-from-url-list (&optional url-list)
-  "Batch install many packages form URL-LIST."
-  (if (listp url-list)
-      (dolist (url url-list)
-        (auto-install-from-url url))
-    (error "Invalid url list for install.")))
-(defun nthcdr+ (n list)
-  "Take cdr N times on LIST, return the result.
-If LIST length below N, return entire list.
-If LIST is nil, return nil."
-  (if (or (null list)
-          (> n (length list)))
-      list
-    (nthcdr n list)))
-(defun nthcar (n list)
-  "Return first N elements of LIST.
-If LIST length below N, return entire list.
-If LIST is nil, return nil."
-  (reverse (nthcdr (- (length list) n) (reverse list))))
-(provide 'auto-install)
-;; How to save (DO NOT REMOVE!!)
-;; (emacswiki-post "auto-install.el")
-;;; auto-install.el ends here
-;;; LocalWords:  el eol dirs fontify gistid txt func bytecomp DDirectory ediff
-;;; LocalWords:  noselect Unmark unmark AutoInstall keybindings defalias'es