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Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO il y a 4 ans

Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand
+ 208 - 159

Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand
+ 210 - 150

Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand
+ 183 - 127

+ 12 - 8

@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@
 %global mkinitrd_version 6.0.93
-Summary: The Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system)
-Summary(ja): Linux カーネル (Linux オペレーティングシステムの心臓部分)
+# kernel packages are duplicatable
+%global _docdir_fmt %%{name}-%%{version}
 # What parts do we want to build?  We must build at least one kernel.
 # These are the kernels that are built IF the architecture allows it.
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ Summary(ja): Linux カーネル (Linux オペレーティングシステムの
 # adding some text to the end of the version number.
 %define sublevel 4
-%define patchlevel 104
+%define patchlevel 106
 %define kversion 5.%{sublevel}
 %define rpmversion 5.%{sublevel}.%{patchlevel}
 %define release 1%{?_dist_release}%{?with_systemd:.systemd}
@@ -184,12 +183,14 @@ Summary(ja): Linux カーネル (Linux オペレーティングシステムの
 Name: kernel
+Summary: The Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system)
+Summary(ja): Linux カーネル (Linux オペレーティングシステムの心臓部分)
 Version: %{rpmversion}
 Release: %{release}
 Group: system
-Vendor:		Project Vine
-Distribution:	Vine Linux
-Packager:	daisuke, shaolin, iwamoto
+Vendor: Project Vine
+Distribution: Vine Linux
+Packager: daisuke, shaolin, iwamoto
 License: GPLv2
@@ -1203,10 +1204,13 @@ fi
+* Sat Mar 20 2021 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <> 5.4.106-1
+- updated to 5.4.106.
 * Thu Mar 11 2021 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <> 5.4.104-1
 - updated to 5.4.104.
 - fixed kernel config for i686.
-- compressed kernel modules.
+- xz-compressed kernel modules.
 * Sat Jan 30 2021 Tomohiro "Tomo-p" KATO <> 5.4.93-1
 - updated to 5.4.93.

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